Reborn Baby Care Instructions
Your reborn doll can easily get damaged if they are not being handled correctly. My reborn dolls are not recommended for young children due to how fragile the reborns are and the ability for them to become easily damaged from rough playing and handling. Following these instructions will help you make sure that your reborn doll stays in good shape for years to come!
Dressing Your Reborns: Take extra caution when dressing your reborn doll just as you would a real baby. NEVER force your reborn limbs into small clothes that cannot fit them as this can lead to damaging their limbs.
Reborn Hair Care: Extra care needs to be taken with your reborn reborn doll's hair. The hair can be ruined, or hair loss can result from tugging, yanking, and pulling. You may gently wash and style your reborn doll 's hair.
Temperature: NEVER leave your reborn doll in extreme hot or cold weather or areas as this can damage or ruin them and cause their vinyl to rip or crack. NEVER leave your doll in direct sunlight as this can cause their vinyl to melt or fade the paint off your reborn doll. DO NOT leave your realistic reborn doll in the car by themselves as people have actually mistaken a reborn doll for a real infant left alone in a vehicle resulting in a police call and the shattering of a car window only to discover the "infant" was a reborn.
Bathing Your Reborn Doll: NEVER submerge your reborn body in water. Reborn dolls are NOT waterproof, this can cause mold in the cloth body with all of the materials in the reborn doll body. It can also cause serious damage to the polyfil, glass beads, etc. that is used to stuffed the reborn doll with.
Reborn Dolls With Magnets: Always use extra care around electronics and people with pacemakers because many reborn dolls contain magnets which can cause harm and interference.